(寫這篇的同時還一邊在看Perfume 4th Tour LEVEL3的台壓DVD,話說回來藍光播放器真是太好用了)
- 在他開始播影片前,簡單的講了下為什麼他平常都是作Kpop MV reaction video但今天會作Perfume新MV的reaction video:他一直都喜歡Perfume,發現她們出新單曲時整個狂喜亂舞花枝亂顫,喜歡的理由是什麼呢?
- 「Every time these girls come back, every time they release something new.」
- MV開始沒多A~chan腳懸空那段
- 大約是唱到第一段"心が上を向いたら笑い合おう"的地方
- 「Perfume has a really really distinct sound, and I feel like there are the only Perfume, is the only people who can do Perfume.」
- 在A~chan唱了"大切な想いが"
- 「I'm getting goose bumps, literaly on my skin. Of course on my skin or anywhere else you'll get goose bumps...」
- 3、2、1開始跳舞
- 「Also very very Perfume distinct is the way they dance. I don't even think they should call it that they do dancing, they should call it "perfuming". Because no one else moves like these girls. They are so precise, they are just on the point all the time, like same person ... no ooo is not the word , they just so into each other.」
他十分讚許Perfume的獨特舞蹈與技巧,同時新名詞產生!PERFUMING! XDD -
- 「The visuals are always stunning.」
- That'll like stylist and everyone behind Perfume need like Nobel Prizes.Or Pulitzer Prize ? I dunno , whatever. They need to be awarded.
- 「I don't know even what's going on. But I just feel the emotion right now. Which is what I think the music video should do.」
- 「Deserve freaking slow claps.」
- 「Perfume, thank you so much for existing. Every behind them, thank you so much for making the way they are. Becauese they bring me something I can not get anywhere else.
I loved it. 20 out of 10.」
- 「That is what exactly I'm feeling right now...slowly lifted...」